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Designed For Removing Hard Water Stains On Shower Screens.

Supadoopa Stain Remover Has Been Formulated & Made By A Shower Cleaning Specialist. It is made using citric acid to dissolve the calcium and cerium oxide ( a very fine rare earth mineral abrasive) which is used in the glass industry to polish glass ….this combination makes for a very effective mineral and soap scum remover…..l invite you to go to YouTube, type in Supadoopa demo and watch the four videos I have there to see how my product work…..PLEASE NOTE….each bottle sold comes with a free pumice stone to help clean off stubborn marks….the product is eco friendly, septic safe with nil odour….100% money back if you are not completely satisfied….I also offer free advice via email to get your screen cleaned….just send me a couple of photos to with an explanation of your problem and I will contact you with the best advice that I can offer…free…now, ask yourself what other website offers you personal advice about getting your glass restored…

Why’s cleaning your shower glass so important?.

It helps keep you organized: glass is a fantastic substance, but it needs regular maintenance to keep it clear and sparkling….otherwise minerals in the water, if left on the screen will dry and leave calcium deposits….over time these will build up and obscure your glass…..prevention is the best cure….do not let water dry on the glass and you will eliminate the problem….there are coatings that you can put on the glass like ENDUROSHIELD that act like a Teflon coating that repel water, and squeegees that can be used to remove the glass beads….thereby keeping your glass clean…..


Best sellers

This formula was designed basically for removing the calcium hard water stains that build up on shower screens over time. it is not a magical elixir that you spray on and wipe off. it may take a lot of elbow grease depending on the severity of the contamination. There will be some glass that the hard water stains that are too deeply en-grained into the glass and can never be removed. I have experimented with many, many products that claim to remove hard water stains but are a waste of time. I would class my product amongst the top 5% of the products I have tried. Each purchase includes a free pumice stone….which you will find very useful in removing more stubborn deposits….

“Love the cleaner, I didn't even have to scrub hard and it come strait of the calcium, highly recommend and very happy with the results and would buy again.” - Cassie

“Thank you so much I received my package today & was able to try it out on one of my jobs. I must say I'm impressed with how well it worked I look forward to using it on a few of my other jobs that have shower screens that are in a bad way with hard water staining I've not been able to get off.
Once again thank you.” - Pali

Yes I did mate, it did remove all the calcium, but I'm going to hit it with a buff next week-end.
I'm happy with your product mate.” - Phil